Interface DevInspectTransactionBlockParams

Runs the transaction in dev-inspect mode. Which allows for nearly any transaction (or Move call) with any arguments. Detailed results are provided, including both the transaction effects and any return values.

interface DevInspectTransactionBlockParams {
    additionalArgs?: null | DevInspectArgs;
    epoch?: null | string;
    gasPrice?: null | number | bigint;
    sender: string;
    transactionBlock: string | Uint8Array | Transaction;


additionalArgs?: null | DevInspectArgs

Additional arguments including gas_budget, gas_objects, gas_sponsor and skip_checks.

epoch?: null | string

The epoch to perform the call. Will be set from the system state object if not provided

gasPrice?: null | number | bigint

Gas is not charged, but gas usage is still calculated. Default to use reference gas price

sender: string
transactionBlock: string | Uint8Array | Transaction

BCS encoded TransactionKind(as opposed to TransactionData, which include gasBudget and gasPrice)